I design and code thoughtful digital User experiences & beautiful websites and I would love to work with You.

Website & App design
Years of Experince in the field

Raesent nec magna ac ped auris suscipit mam quis.

If You like my works and want to make beautiful and useful website let's work together.


  • Working alongside Mohammad has been an inspiring experience. he has an innate ability to transform complex design concepts into intuitive user interfaces. As a frontend chapter lead, I wholeheartedly endorse his dedication to creating exceptional user experiences is unwavering. If you’re seeking a talented developer who thrives in a collaborative environment, look no further than Mohammad.
    Amirreza Noori
    Frontend Chapter Lead
  • Mohammad is a person full of energy and always is an icebreaker for the team. He has a good knowledge of front-end technologies and can implement any designed UI even complex ones. I've learned a lot from him; he can facilitate any development team's development process. I would recommend him to any company that wants a Mesut Ozil for their team.

    Amir Nejad
    Back-end Developer
  • I became friends with Mohammad when we worked together as front-end and back-end developers. We were part of the same web development team, and we often collaborated on various projects for different domains. Working and hanging out with Mohammad was a fun and memorable experience for me. He was not only a skilled and reliable colleague but also a kind and humorous person. I enjoyed our discussions, jokes, and outings. I cherish our friendship and I hope to keep in touch with him in the future.
    Wrya Karimi
    Software Engineer
  • Mohammad crafts digital magic. His code dances with elegance, turning pixels into experiences. Collaborating with him feels like catching fireflies in a digital forest. If you seek a frontend wizard, look no further.
    Omid Soheilnia
    Frontend Developer
  • I know Mohammad for a few years and I have been his client and will continue to be one. his skills as a front-end developer are exceptional. so is his personality. he is a developer with a good eye and skill for design that I can totally trust about my projects. I could not be more satisfied with his. highly recommend him to anyone and wish him good luck in his life and career.

    Mohsen Amini
    Creative Producer
  • Mohammed is a highly skilled front-end developer with outstanding technical skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as experience with various frameworks and libraries. He creates visually stunning and user-friendly interfaces with pixel-perfect precision. Mohammed is also a great communicator and collaborator, making him a pleasure to work with. I highly recommend him for any front-end development role.

    Mohsen Avajian
    Devops lead

Websites just from scratch. Me and my team can make your online shop or just business card webpage.

Code master

As a Code Master, I wield the art of programming like a seasoned sorcerer. My fingers dance across the keyboard, conjuring elegant algorithms, crafting intricate software, and weaving logic spells. My fluent in multiple programming languages, and debugging is my secret potion. Whether it’s a simple website or a complex application, i am the architect behind the digital realms.

Secure workflow

Imagine a fortress guarded by vigilant sentinels. That’s my Secure Workflow. I meticulously design processes that ensure data integrity, privacy, and protection. From authentication mechanisms to encryption spells, i shield your applications from cyber threats. My code is a bastion against unauthorized intrusions, and watchful eye ensures that vulnerabilities are patched swiftly.

Bug free!

In the enchanted forest of software development, I am the Bug Hunter. Armed with magnifying glasses and a keen eye, i seek out those elusive creatures—bugs. My spells include thorough testing, meticulous documentation, and rigorous peer reviews. When a bug dares to surface, i track it down, analyze its weaknesses, and banish it from existence. My mantra: “No bug shall pass!”

Cloud based

Picture a celestial library where data floats like stardust. That’s the realm of Cloud-Based solutions. Here, i harness the power of remote servers, accessible via the mystical Internet. Whether it’s hosting websites, storing files, or running applications, the cloud provides scalability, flexibility, and global reach. I am the cosmic architect, weaving together virtual machines, databases, and APIs to create seamless experiences for users across the digital cosmos.

Do you want to talk about your web project? Feel free & contact me!

Don't wait, call me today!

+98 990 333 0618

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